European Union countries on recognition of Ukrainian refugees’ qualifications
Today, the ETF – European Training Foundation presented a resource hub developed at the initiative of the European Commission to improve understanding of the Ukrainian education system and training, as well as to increase the recognition of Ukrainian educational and professional qualifications in the EU.
In the current emergency, Ukrainians have the right to live in the EU and to access essential services such as housing and medical care. Ukrainians also have the right to continue and access education and training, and to look for work.
To support such access, Ukrainians need to have their skills, qualifications and study periods completed in Ukraine recognised, while organisations and companies in the EU need to understand Ukraineâs education and training system and qualifications. This page provides key information about Ukraineâs education system, guidance in understanding and recognising all types of Ukrainian qualifications, recognising study periods, and guiding Ukrainians to education, learning and employment opportunities.
For any enquiries, please write to us via [email protected].
If you are seeking more general information about rights and support, please go to: Information for people fleeing the war in Ukraine | European Commission.